Sunday, March 11, 2018

Are hospitals allowed to restrain and strip off all your clothes by force?

Question on Quora. I am 14, and they left me with bruises, just because I wanted to change into the hospital gown in private. Answered by Chelsea xxxxxxx, RN,BSN "Fortunately or unfortunately, the answer is if you're in the hospital for a psychiatric or behavioral health issue. Because some patients are carrying drug/paraphernalia, weapons, meds, etc. on their person and sometimes will try to conceal it to use it later on themselves or others by putting it in body cavities, hiding it in their room, or whatever other creative solution they come up with. We generally search our patients and often do not permit them to change alone for our safety and theirs. While you may not have had something like that planned, we apply this policy to everyone because you can't always predict who is an issue and who isn't. Not being willing to follow directions, fighting or getting violent, etc. may require us to intervene. If you're simply there as a patient presenting for medical issues and are not considered a threat to yourself or others, there's really no good excuse for that."

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