Monday, December 11, 2017

Suggestions to Improve Your Mood Part II

(8) Going outdoors Not only will going outside lift your mood, but it also can be good for your muscle tension, heart rate and stress level. If you take your dog and get some exercise you will get even more out of it. A plant on your desk at the office can make you feel less anxious or irritable. Also, try a picture of the woods. (9) Exercise People who exercise often deal with stress overall better. Your spirits can be lifted by a 10-minute walk just as well as a 45-minute workout. (10) Healthy foods You can get tired, hungry and even snippy if you don't eat enough. Whole grains, lean meats, fruits and veggies have nutrients to feed your brain and perk you up. You have energy throughout the day instead of all at once because these foods take longer to digest. Junk food may give you a boost, but a crash will follow. (11) Sex If it is with a committed partner, it may lower stress, and boost heart and brain health. It seems to help with headaches, that includes migraines. (12) Meditate If you make it a regular part of your day, meditation can calm you down and lift your mood. Focus on your breath. Keep your mind free of thoughts. Try to let worries go when they enter your mind. (13) Rest Try for 7 to 9 hours a night. Sleep can boost your mind and focus. It can also ease anxiety. (14) Vacation Taking a vacation gives you time to recharge, relax and take stock. Sometimes all the good things in your life get lost in the rush of daily routine. It can take you away from stressors in your life-work and home life. Vacations may help you bond with family and friends.

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