Monday, December 11, 2017

Foods to avoid if you have depression and anxiety Part II

(8) ENERGY DRINKS They can cause sleep issues, anxiety and weird heart rhythms. With guarana as one of the ingredients, it is not always easy to know the high levels of caffeine hidden in them. They also contain loads or sugar or artificial sweeteners. (9) ALCOHOL Just a little can mess up your sleep. Anxiety and depression are raised with not enough sleep. Too much sleep can cause even more problems. Although, a drink can calm your nerves and make you more sociable. That is good for your mental health. Dosage is the key. The limit is a drink per day for women and two a day for men. Again, that is the limit. (10) FROSTING It is loaded with around 2 grams of "trans fats", per servings, along with the obvious loads of sugar. Trans fats are linked to depression. They sometimes are called "partially hydrogenated oils". They are in fried foods, pizza dough, cookies, cakes and crackers. These "good" fats can lift your mood-fish, olive oil, nuts and avocado. (11) SOY SAUCE For people who are sensitive to GLUTEN. Gluten is in breads, noodles, pastries and some prepackaged foods. It can cause anxiety or depression if you are sensitive to gluten. Also, it can make you feel sluggish and not at your best. (12) PROCESSED FOODS You are more likely to be anxious or depressed if you eat lots of processed meat, fried foods, refined cereals, candy, pastries and high-fat dairy products. To keep you on a more even kneel, have a diet full of whole fiber-rich grains, fruits, veggies, and fish. (13) DOUGHNUTS Your mood can by helped now and then by little treats. But, doughnuts have all the wrong kinds of fats. Also, snow-white flour with little fiber to slow absorption and they are loaded with sugar. MAKE THEM A TREAT, NOT A ROUTINE.

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