Thursday, December 14, 2017


Researchers in a small clinical trial applied LED lights to Alzheimer's patients with two devices. One group wore like a headset and the other group wore a device that clips to the nose. They wore these for 20 to 25 minutes twice a week. Over 12 weeks the subjects reported a dramatic improvement in their cognitive abilities. One of the study's coauthors, Michael Hamblin, principal investigator at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston says, "Then they removed the device, and they all got worse. But when they were given their own device to use at home, they all improved for a second time." A small amount of the light is able to reach the brain, which is extremely sensitive to light. This is why the treatment seems to work. The light, scientists say, stimulates new growth and connections between neurons. These neurons are known as photobiomodulation. This is still in its early testing stages. More patients are now receiving the same therapy used in the study. It is a $499 product called VieLight. Its potential to treat Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury and more ailments have scientists excited also.

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