Tuesday, August 15, 2017

What is the limbic brain and what does it do?

The limbic brain may be the most important brain component we have. This part of the brain runs our emotions. One reason mammals dominate the earth and reptiles don't is because of complex emotions from the limbic brain. The reptilian brain(the purely physical brain runs on negative reinforcement. It has control centers for fear and aggression. In mammals, the limbic brain(the emotional brain) invented love, joy and play. The emotional brain lets us love our young and work in groups. The thinking brain is the third part of the brain. It speaks the language of words and thoughts. The three parts of the brain,(emotional, physical and thinking) are intricately wired together. Most of the time, careful research showed, that our emotions are in the lead. This concludes that emotion is stronger than thought. From start to finish, we are social and emotional creatures.

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