Thursday, August 31, 2017


1-TAKE ALL YOUR VACATION DAYS. More than half of Americans in 2015 had not used up all their vacation days by the end of that year. Unused vacation,studies show, make you less likely to get a raise or bonus. 2-SPEED UP YOUR DECISION-MAKING. Author Samantha Ettus says, "We often confuse deliberation with making a wiser decision but that's not the case. Instead spend five seconds deliberating, then let it go". It is okay if it sounds risky. A bad decision is better than spending precious time agonizing over a decision. 3- FILL UP WITH THE HEALTHY FOODS YOU LOVE. You are more likely to stay motivated about eating healthy if you focus on eating the good stuff you actually enjoy, according to a Baylor University study. The study author, Meredith David, Ph.D., says to make your favorite healthy foods staples of your diet, rather than forcing yourself to eat things that make you miserable. 4-DON'T STRESS ABOUT YOUR MEMORY. Your brain is not failing, a study shows, you are just thinking about different things. Study author Natasha Rajah says, "When we're young, everything is worth noting. As we get older, we're less focused on details". She suggest to boost your memory, multitask less.

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