Friday, February 16, 2018

Physical Symptoms of Depression

1- SLEEP PROBLEMS Your body can be affected by depression as well as your mind. With depression, trouble falling or staying asleep is common. Others may find that they get too much sleep. 2- CHEST PAIN See your doctor to rule out heart, lung or stomach problems. It can be a symptom of depression too. Your risk of heart disease can be raised by depression. Plus, people are more likely to be depressed if they have had a heart attack. 3- FATIGUE AND EXHAUSTION It may be a sign that you are depressed if you feel so tired that you don't have energy for everyday tasks. Even when you sleep a lot. Fatigue and depression together make both conditions seem worse. 4- ACHING MUSCLES AND JOINTS Your risk of depression can be raised when you live with ongoing pain. Because the two conditions share chemical messengers in the brain, depression may also lead to pain. People are 3 times as likely to get regular pain who are depressed. 5- DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS Many of us get stomachaches or nausea when we're stressed or worried because our brains and digestive systems are strongly connected. Depression can cause nausea, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea. 6- HEADACHES People with major depression, one study shows, are 3 times more likely to have migraines. Also,people with migraines are 5 times more likely to get depressed. 7- CHANGES IN APPETITE OR WEIGHT Some people can't stop eating when depressed. Others feel less hungry. Along with lack of energy, the result may be weight gain or loss. Eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia or binge eating have been linked to depression. 8- BACK AND NECK PAIN People who are depressed may be 4 times more likely to get intense, disabling neck or back pain. 9- AGITATED AND RESTLESS You can feel this way with sleep problems or other depression symptoms. When they are depressed, men are more likely to feel this way than women.

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