Sunday, January 14, 2018


People often worry about dementia or Alzheimer's but lots of things cause memory problems. It could be a lack of vitamin B12, which is, essential for your brain. Depression, thyroid problems or even not drinking enough fluids could be the cause. If memory problems are affecting your daily life, such as your work, hobbies, and relationships, that is when you should see your doctor. Also, when someone close to you wants you to be checked out. Although normal memory problems can make you pause a moment, they don't keep you from going about your life, You can help to prevent memory loss by doing all the usual things that are good for you. Make sure you are social, get exercise, eat well and get enough sleep. Also, don't smoke. Think of your brain as a muscle. You use it or you lose it. Do things that challenge you. Play games like Sudoku. Do crosswords. Read books or magazines.

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