Thursday, January 18, 2018


"I know it is a challenge for anyone who has never experienced depression to grasp its weight. As someone who has experienced depression, I will try and explain it as best I can... Have you ever lost a family member who has died to young? Maybe through an illness or an accident. The feeling of pure sadness and pain hits you and feels like it will never end. But you know, eventually, you will find your new normal and resume living your life. You miss that family member, but you have to get on with living. Depression is a bit like that, except the pain does not subside with time. In fact, it gathers momentum. The feeling of pure sadness gets into your bones, your nerves, your muscles and ever worse, your mind. Your five senses no longer function properly; food loses its taste, and your world is now various shades of grey. Even the orange and red hues of the sunrise are overcast. Roses have no smell, the feel of velvet is like sandpaper, and the sound of people laughing is as though you have cotton in your ears. For many, the emotional pain sits in the solar plexus, the body's primary network of physical and emotional nerves. It is where depression takes up residence because this is where the most damage achieved." "Have you ever been told you are worthless and will not amount to anything? Maybe someone has said you should not try because you will fail. Do you work in a toxic? Are you often in the office bullies crosshairs? Are you often called a loser, idiot, fool and so on? When your defenses are down, these words feel real and even sound true. When saturated with negative emotions, these words are napalm. By this point, it is not life you hate or want to escape; it is the constant pain sitting in the center of your chest. You merely want the hurt to stop. No hug can dissolve it, and no amount of reason can scare it away. Unfortunately, you never see depression coming. In fact, you do not know it is your new companion until it is too late. You have no idea when this uninvited guest arrived. It is an opportunist. Given a chance, depression will silently seep through any period of sadness or stress in your life. It is a bit like carbon monoxide in that respect. Are you a weak person for having depression? No Illness, physical trauma, PTSD, bullying, the death of a family member, pregnancy, redundancy, loss of your home; it can be any number of life reasons." "For some, depending upon their condition, depression can be a lifetime battle. The good news it can be beaten and the reoccurrence greatly reduced." Answered by Wendy xxxxxx-xxxxxx,Beat ten+ years of depression and a failed suicide attempt, to this question on Quora Is depression that bad that people kill themselves? I really want to understand the daily thought process of a depressed person without coming off as offensive. Is depression constantly there or does it come and go?

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