Monday, January 15, 2018

Disabled Veteran Explains About Service Animals

Timothy XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX, studied Agrostology at Pennsylvania State University(1998), answered this question on Quora. DOES IT UPSET YOU TO SEE A PERSON WITH NO VISIBLE DISABILITIES TAKE A SERVICE DOG INTO A STORE OR OTHER PUBLIC BUILDING? "I am such a person. I'm, a disabled veteran, but when you look at me or interact with me, you can't see my disability which is the result of a head wound and requires me to take medication. That medication cannot be regulated by just taking a pill at a specific hour- it gets used up in relation to my physical activity. My service dog is trained to detect the level of medication in my body by smelling my skin. Occasionally I get accosted by some store manager or beachgoer or just plain jerk, and I politely tell them that, yes, my dog is a service dog and that he is trained to aid me with a disability. 99% of the time that is the end of it. However, when the few that aren't satisfied with my response push the issue, I have a copy of the Americans with Disabilities Act laws that apply to service dogs and their handlers. If they are still barking at me, I point out that my state's service dog laws include a law against interfering with a person with a service dog and that it carries a stiff fine and possible jail time. If they are a store owner/manager I also remind them that their interference or refusal to grant is actionable in the courts. One more word from them and I call the police. Many people have disabilities you cannot see and use service dogs. I'm never offended when someone asks me if my dog is a service dog. I think most other service dog handlers would agree, but if you press the issue and try to "prove" them wrong, don't be surprised if they react by taking advantage of the laws that protect them."

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