Monday, December 4, 2017

What are some things mentally ill people are tired of hearing?

This question on Quora got over 100 responses. Here are some: "Don't call it mental illness. You're just going through a mental health challenge" "Maybe once you're better, you can get off the meds, I mean, I don't think meds are that good for you anyway. You should only take them for a few months" "This so called ADHD is a desperate attempt to over look those antics you do in class!" "You are too smart and pretty to be mentally disabled" "Stop using your depression as an excuse for being lazy" You are behaving like this for attention, aren't you?" Schizophrenics need an exorcism and then they'll be healed" "Oh you don't work? Just living the life of luxury hey?" "I don't get why you would want to kill yourself. You are really ungrateful" "You sleep too often" "I was nearly depressed once but I pulled myself together and beat it" "It's just inside your head" "You seem so normal. I don't think you have schizophrenia" "It's just a phase, it will pass" "Stop being so dramatic" "Just cheer up" "Drink more water" You don't seem bipolar" You have nothing to be anxious about"

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