Sunday, November 12, 2017


9- HANGOVER It is no accident that you have a cotton-mouth, bleary-eyed morning after. Alcohol makes you dehydrated. It also makes blood vessels in your body and brain expand, which gives you a headache. You get nausea and vomiting because your stomach wants to get rid of the toxins and acid that booze churns up. Your liver didn't release enough sugar into your blood due to the fact it was so busy processing alcohol. This brings on weakness and the shakes. 10- AFFECTS HEART RHYTHM Your electrical signals that keep your heart's rhythm steady, can be jumbled by just one night of binge drinking. You can make those changes permanent if you binge drink for years. Your heart can literally wear out. Just like an old rubber band, your heart muscles overtime droop and stretch. Your part of your body is impacted because it can not pump blood as well. 11- BODY TEMPERATURE CHANGE Alcohol widens your blood vessels. This makes more blood flow to your skin and makes you blush. It also makes you feel warm and toasty. Your temperature will drop because the heat from that extra blood goes right out of of your body. Long-term, heavy drinking, on the other hand, boosts your blood pressure. Stress hormones are released that narrow blood vessels, so your heart pumps harder to push blood through. 12- WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM There might be a connection between a cold and a night of drinking. Alcohol interferes with your immune system. The number of white blood cells can't be made by your body it needs to fight germs. You are more likely to get sick during the 24 hours after drinking. Pneumonia and tuberculosis are two examples of illnesses long-term, heavy drinkers are much more likely to get. 13- HAVIC ON HORMONES To keep these powerful chemicals going smoothly, they need to be in the right balance. But they are thrown off by alcohol. In women, problems with periods and getting pregnant can occur. In men, it means a lower sperm count, shrinking testicles and breast growth. 14- LOSS OF HEARING No one knows exactly, but alcohol impacts your hearing. It may mess with the part of the brain that processes sound. Another possibility is it might damage the nerves and tiny hairs in your inner ear that help you hear. Drinking makes you need a sound louder in order to hear it. This could become permanent. It is common for long-term drinkers to have hearing loss. 15- LESS MUSCLE, THIN BONES Booze limits blood flow to your muscles. It gets in the way of the proteins that build them up. You will have lower muscle mass and less strength. Your calcium levels can be thrown off by heavy drinking. With the hormone changes that alcohol triggers, your body can be kept from building new bone. You could develop a condition could osteoporosis, which is when your bones get thinner and more fragile.

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