Monday, November 20, 2017


If psychosis is the inability to differentiate reality/delusion, how can someone be diagnosed with psychosis and "understand" their affliction? This was the question on Quora. Answered by Tonya Baker, Licensed Clinical Social Worker "Psychosis is having hallucinations and delusions-sometimes at the same time-sometimes not. There are various forms of these and degrees. I have told my patients "all senses are vulnerable". People's grasp on reality varies with the severity of the psychosis. I've met folks who genuinely believe they are not human, for example, then later after several days or weeks of meds will say "I'm not really a water dragon, am I?" Some live with a bit of their psychosis popping up in everyday life, despite using meds, and they learn to cope and perform "reality checking" with folks they trust as needed."

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