Saturday, March 25, 2017


SMOKING: The longer you have stopped smoking, the better condition you will be in. After quitting for ten years, your risk of dying from lung cancer is half that of a smoker's. After 15 years, your heart disease risk is the same as that of a nonsmoker. A new study showed that even smokers who quit in their 60's can lengthen their life expectancy. Epidemiologist Sarah Nash, lead researcher of the study says, "Regardless of age, all smokers benefit from quitting". People who quit, no matter when they have stopped, are always at lower risk of death compared to those who continued to smoke. Subjects were tracked in a survey from 2004-2005 through 2011. Of those who continued to smoke, 33% died compared to only 12% of those who never smoked. Those who quit smoking in their 60's, 23% fewer died compared with those who did not quit. DRINKING: The liver can completely regenerate itself even after 50% of it is damaged. But, many other parts of the body is affected by alcohol. A host of problems when older has been linked to young binge drinking. These problems include an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. If you drink a lot before age 25, you may have inhibited your brain's functional development. This is because the hippocampus and frontal brain structures do not mature until about the age of 25. Moderate drinking is healthful according to lots of studies. Alcohol is addictive so the challenge is to make sure moderate does not become excessive. DRUGS: Get tested for HIV and hepatitis B and C even if you have used intravenous drugs only once. Baby boomers are 5 times more likely to have hepatitis C than other adults. If you did use drugs frequently, you should undergo a cardiac evaluation and have your liver and kidney function assessed. Damage can go undetected for years. Blogger:Being Sane Takes Too Much Work

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