Thursday, September 8, 2016


All alcoholics have problems with alcohol because of different reasons and are affected in different ways. Some individuals drink chronically and alcohol has had an adverse effect on their jobs, families and other relationships. Others drink and engage in binge drinking and other high risk behaviors. Some people get intoxicated from small amounts of alcohol, while others can drink at levels that are beyond our comprehension and still manage to hold jobs and family together. Some of the reasons individuals turn to drink are depression, anxiety, social awkwardness, anger, family problems and work stress. Alcoholism is a chronic, severe illness characterized by 4 key symptoms. CRAVING- A strong need to have alcohol. LOSS OF CONTROL- An inability to cease drinking, no control of the situation. PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE- Withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is not drunk, which includes nausea and vomiting. TOLERANCE- More alcohol required to meet cravings and to get drunk. Treatments should not be the same for all alcoholics. Each person has distinct and unique coping mechanisms, medical issues and preferences. Also different is their reason for drinking and their methods of trying to cope with life as they drink. There are certain types of alcoholics. Knowing about the various types can help you deal with individual situations a little easier. Learning more about your loved ones situation can help you and rehab workers in their efforts to provide the alcoholic with the support needed. Alcoholics have not always been grouped by type. It was treated as a single condition. There was one stereotype of the alcoholic applied across the board to anyone with alcohol issues. According to a study by a researcher, Dr. Howard Moss, MD, at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are actually 5 subtypes. Each of the alcoholic subtypes determined by the research has its own distinct characteristics, drinking behaviors and risk factors. These are the 5 subtypes with a brief description. They will be discussed in more detail in later posts. THE YOUNG ADULT SUBTYPE- largest group least likely to seek help for their problems with alcohol THE YOUNG ANTISOCIAL SUBTYPE- tend to be in their mid-twenties can be categorized by early onset of drinking and alcohol related problems often have depression or other mental health issues FUNCTIONAL SUBTYPE- usually middle aged, educated and employed INTERMEDIATE FAMILIAL SUBTYPE- typically middle aged come from families with multi-generational alcoholism CHRONIC SEVERE SUBTYPE- smallest subtype have multi-generational alcoholism in their family have high rates of personality disorders and other mental health issues significant substance abuse issues

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