Monday, March 14, 2016


TELLTALE SIGNS WITH IMPULSE CONTROL DISORDER:  There are two types of needs when engaging in compulsive behaviors: To relieve anxiety or tension.  To experience gratification that comes with engaging in the behavior.  TELLTALE SIGNS OF THE CONDITION: Feeling powerless to resist the urges that cause the behavior.  Prior to acting on the urge there are increasing feelings of anticipation and panic.  After committing the act there is a sense of relief.  DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF ANY IMPULSIVE CONTROL DISORDER:  The impulsive act is performed alone.  The act is performed fully knowing that it may cause harm to self or others.  Being tense and/or aroused are felt before the act.  Incredible excitement is felt during the act.  After the behavior the individual is filled with guilt and/or shame.  The actions leave a feeling of being out of control.  IMPULSE CONTROL DISORDER SYMPTOMS:  Depending on the specific problem, symptoms vary.  Despite knowing the behavior will likely produce negative outcomes the individual will be unable to control the action.  This will happen in all cases.  In some cases, it can be difficult to distinguish between healthy uncontrollable impulsive behaviors and this disorder because the consequences vary so greatly. 

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