Wednesday, December 30, 2015


It's ok to carry a bit of extra padding.  The Journal of the American Medical Association found that being slightly overweight may reduce your risk of dying prematurely.  But having a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese and raises your risk of dying by 18%.  A lot of people who have a mental illness gain weight due to their medicine. Here are some tips to fight fat.  CHECK YOUR NECK Thyroid disease can slow metabolism, leading to weight gain.  OVERUSE OF ANTIBIOTICS These meds have an adverse effect on digestive microbes that influence your metabolic rate.  This contributes to obesity in some.  NO ARTIFICIALLY SWEETENERS  Research finds that "diet" foods and beverages tend to trigger appetite, increase cravings for empty-calorie carbohydrates and stimulate fat storage.  PROTEIN  A recent study found that people who ate eggs instead of a bagel for breakfast lost 65% more weight and had a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference.  KEEP IT UNCOMFORTABLE  The body doesn't have to work as hard to maintain its internal temperature when living in a constantly comfortable temperature.  You may force your body to burn more calories while adjusting to keeping your home a bit colder in the winter and warmer in the summer.  TRICK YOUR APPETITE  Eating off smaller or blue plates can cut how much you eat.  A recent study showed that eating off a 10-inch plate instead of a 12-inch plate resulted in 22% fewer calories served. Eating off a blue-colored plate has been determined that the food will look unappetizing and less will be eaten.  WATCH YOUR CRAVINGS  Depressed people with decreased levels of the hormone serotonin have a tendency to overeat-leading to obesity.  Eating carbohydrates (simple and complex) may be an attempt to self-meditate to restore the levels to normal.  You can get the same effect by having a small serving of pasta.  CUT BACK  A growing body of scientific evidence shows that exercise alone has almost no effect on weight loss.  If you are trying to lose weight, focus on your food intake and quality.

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